Kettle Fest 2018
The 2018 Kettle River Paddle Festival is the weekend (May 4,5,6) join the fun. We celebrate the clean and beautiful Kettle River and the arrival of spring.
Kettle River Level
As of today the flow on the Kettle River looks to be perfect for rafting and surfing. I’m guessing the level will drop to between 2000 cfs and 1500 cfs – this an awesome safe level to paddle the Kettle River.
Kettle River Surfing
Surf waves on Blueberry Slide and Teachers will be prime. The Kettle River Rodeo will be at teachers
pet noon Sunday. Open categories for canoes, kayaks, and RAFTS.
Raft Rodeo on the Kettle River

Get your get team together for the first ever Kettle River Raft Rodeo. You don’t need a raft, Kettle Fest sponsor, Hard Water Sports, is providing the rubber.
Get a team of 2, 3, or 4 paddlers, meet at the eddy below Teacher’s Pet at noon sharp on Sunday of the Kettle Fest
Kettle River Run -Down River Race
Yes, we will continue the tradition of the Kettle River Run. Race starts Saturday at 4:00 – registration at 3:30.
Racers meet at the put-in at the top of the rapids in Banning State Park. Racers are required to have run the Kettle River in the past.
Big Float Down the River
Not interested in racing ?
Join the group float starting immediately following the race start. Rafts, canoe, kayaks and supers are all welcome to join.
Sign up for a raft ride
Not ready for the Kettle River’s class III whitewater ??
Contact Hard Water Sports about a guided river tour on the Kettle River. They will have boats and guides on the river all weekend.