Saturday, May 1 2021
On the first half of the two mile course the Kettle River drops through rapids like Mother’s Delight, the Dragon’s Tooth and Hell’s Gate. Then it’s a mile of flat water paddling, one more small rapid and the finish in Robinson Park.
The race is open to all paddlers of kayaks, canoes, rafts and dories. Minnesota state law requires life jackets on all paddlers – helmets, float bags and appropriate cold water clothing are requiredby ACA insurance standards.
Depending on water levels, the rapids on this stretch of the Kettle River can rate up to a class IV. Paddlers entering the race are required to have had previously run the river between Banning and Robinson Park. Life jackets, helmets, and float bags are required as per ACA rules. Because of the technical challenges only experienced paddlers will be allowed to enter the Kettle River Run.
All registered racers will receive a “bag of goodies” provided by the paddling festival’s generous sponsors.
Racers meet at 3:00 P.M. in Banning Park for assignment of start times and race numbers. Race rules and safety information will also be covered.
Race Start 4:00
Awards ceremony 7:00
*The Kettle River Paddle Festival Safety Committee reserves the right to cancel the race due to unsafe water conditions. The final river inspection will be conducted Friday before the race, any concerns about the water levels and river obstruction should be directed to the safety committee.
*All prizes for the Kettle River Run© are pledged donations from sponsors, the Kettle River Paddlers Club reserves the right to amend the prizes and the final prize categories.